
Sunday, May 8, 2011

Happy Mother's Day!

Titus 2:5 To be discreet, chaste, keepers at home, good, obedient to their own husbands, that the word of God be not blasphemed.

This verse describes my ma exactly! She has homeschooled us 5 kids for 20 yrs. She did not let the world teach us but daily taught us in our own home. She encouraged us in our Godly friends and kept us from those that would influence us badly. My mom taught me not to gossip or to talk bad about my family to others. I have never seen my mom speak anything negative to others about my Dad. She is always willing to make dinner and always wants the family to be happy and wholesome. She is always thinking of new activities for the family today to spend time together. Although mom passed on her worrying to me, I also can see how much she trusts God and doesn't let her worrying show because she gives it to God. She is my biggest example and I appreciate the characteristics that she brought out in me through my childhood. I can't imagine the day when I don't get to be around her each day and I know I will be calling her very often if ever I have to be apart from her! I love you mom!

Getting ice cream at the artic circle after a hard day of work in Idaho

Homeschool days :)

Going to see the Phantom of the Opera!

Curly hairs :)

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Baking together

My ma...and her ma

Graduating from 20 yrs of homeschooling!

Best hiking buddy!

Mother's Day a few yrs ago

She surprised dad with his dream sports car!

She planned a special trip to the mountains over christmas so we could ecape from the desert

A spelunking trip she planned for the family

Before I knew her :)

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